
Can my cat get diabetes?

Yes, your cat can get diabetes and it is relatively common, occuring in 0.5-1% of cats.

Cats get type 2 diabetes where their pancreas produces insufficient insulin (the chimical that regulates blood sugars) and the body is resistant to it.

Warning signs
As with most conditions, the key to knowing that something is wrong is noting changes in your cat’s behaviour. Diabetes often develops slowly, with signs appearing over weeks or months. Symptoms include:

  • Increased thirst and urination
  • Increased appetite coupled with weight loss. In some cases, cats with diabetes may not show a significant increase in appetite, and instead may develop a reduced or absent appetite.
  • Reduced activity or lethargy
  • A change in posture, such as a flat-footed stance or difficulty jumping.

Confirming a suspicion of diabetes means a trip to the vet. Diagnosis is based on detecting high blood glucose levels and glucose in the urine. Visiting the vet can actually raise levels so multiple blood tests or home urine analysis may be needed to confirm the diagnosis.

Diabetes in cats can be managed with proper treatment and lifestyle changes. The key is early intervention and continuous monitoring of blood glucose levels. Treatments include:

  • Insulin Therapy: Insulin injections are the main treatment for most diabetic cats. Long-acting insulins regulate blood glucose levels while reducing the need for frequent injections.
  • Sodium-Glucose Transporter 2 (SGLT2) Inhibitors: In the early stages of diabetes, SGLT2 inhibitors can be used to reduce blood glucose levels by preventing the reabsorption of glucose by the kidneys. These medications can be given with food and are most effective in cats that are still producing some insulin.
  • Managing diet: Low-carbohydrate, high-protein diets are crucial in managing diabetes in cats, especially for those receiving insulin. These diets help to reduce blood sugar levels and improve the chances of remission. When using SGLT2 inhibitors, a low-carb diet may not always be suitable.
  • Weight Management: Obesity is a major risk factor for diabetes in cats. Gradual weight loss, at a rate of about 1-2% of body weight per week, can help manage diabetes and increase the chances of remission. It may take several months to reach an ideal weight, and adding fibre-rich foods can help.

Factors that increase the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes in cats include obesity, aging, genetics, and being indoor-only.
In some cases, diabetes in cats can also be caused by other health conditions, such as chronic pancreatitis, and acromegaly, a condition where excess growth hormone leads to insulin dysfunction.

Living with diabetes
When diagnosed early and treated effectively with insulin and diet, up to 80% of diabetic cats may achieve remission. This means their insulin needs can be significantly reduced or eliminated with careful monitoring.

Remission is most likely when their blood glucose levels are tightly controlled early in the course of the disease. This includes regular glucose monitoring and weight management.
In many cases, diabetes remains a lifelong condition that requires careful management. Regular blood glucose monitoring, adjusting insulin doses, and maintaining a healthy diet are essential to managing the condition and preventing complications.

Advances in home glucose monitoring tools, including continuous glucose monitors, have made it easier for owners to track and adjust their cat’s treatment.

With proper diet, insulin therapy, weight management, and glucose monitoring, diabetic cats can live a fulfilling life.

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Three ways to tell if your cat is the right weight

fat cat sitting on bathroom scales

Cats vary so much across and within breeds and between male and female that it is impossible to give a definitive weight for any given cat.

Your vet will use the Body Condition Score (BCS). The BCS is a scale ranging from 1 to 9, where 1 indicates a severely underweight cat, while 9 suggests obesity.

The ideal range for most cats is typically between 4 and 5, where the cat has a well-proportioned body without an excessive, layer of fat.

Fortunately, you can monitor your cat’ s condition by assessing three key areas of the cat’s body:


Run your hands along your cat’s sides. In a cat with a healthy BCS, you should be able to feel the ribs without pressing too hard. If the ribs and spine are easily felt or are visible, the cat might be underweight, while difficulty feeling the ribs suggests overweight.


View your cat from above. A cat with an ideal BCS will have a discernible waistline between the ribcage and hips. A lack of a defined waistline could indicate excess weight.


Examine your cat’s belly. A cat with a healthy BCS will have a slight tuck-up in the abdomen. An overweight cat may have a rounded or sagging belly, while an underweight cat may have a visible tuck-up.

What does this mean?

Being underweight in a cat that is properly nourished and free from stress can indicate a variety of serious health conditions such as parasites and gastrointestinal infections, diabetes, dental issues, kidney disease and cancer so you should consult your vet.

Being overweight can bring on a long list of serious conditions:

diabetes – Excess body fat can lead to insulin resistance, making it more challenging for the body to regulate blood sugar levels.

increased stress on a cat’s joints, which can lead to arthritis and decreased mobility. Joint problems can result in pain and a reduced quality of life for the cat.

increased risk of heart disease – The heart has to work harder to pump blood through the additional body fat, leading to potential cardiovascular issues.

difficulty breathing, especially during physical activity. This can contribute to respiratory issues and compromise their overall lung function.

Fatty Liver Disease (hepatic lipidosis) a serious liver disorder that can occur when the body breaks down fat stores too rapidly.

compromised immune system, making overweight cats more susceptible to infections and illnesses.

urinary tract problems, including urinary tract infections and a condition called feline lower urinary tract disease.

digestive problems in cats, including constipation and an increased risk of developing hairballs.

What to do with an overweight cat

 If your cat is severely overweight, consult with your vet. They can assess your cat’s overall health, determine an appropriate target weight, and provide tailored advice. They may recommend transitioning your cat to a nutritionally balanced, high-quality cat food formulated for weight management.

 If your cat is tending towards becoming overweight, this can be headed off with a regime of eat less – move more.

Eat less

Instead of free-feeding, establish a consistent meal-feeding schedule. Portion control is crucial. Divide the daily food allowance into several small meals throughout the day.

Reduce treats or substitute for healthier alternatives.

Be gradual, crash diets can actually bring on fatty liver disease, a serious condition.

 Move more

Encourage your cat to work for their food by using interactive feeders or puzzle toys. This not only provides mental stimulation but also slows down their eating, helping them feel more satisfied.

Engage your cat in regular play sessions using toys that encourage movement. Interactive toys, laser pointers, feather wands, and climbing structures can all promote physical activity. Gradually increase the duration and intensity of play.

Enrich your cat’s environment with scratching posts, climbing structures, and window perches. This provides mental stimulation and encourages natural behaviours, contributing to overall well-being.

This article is for general advice only and if in any doubts about your cat’s health, check in with your vet.

But, with a some careful observation and, perhaps, a little tough love, you can see your cat on the right weight track.

The research and education work of the Feline Health Research Fund in entirely supported by cat loving organisations and individuals.  Your support would be appreciated.

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