Could you feed your cat on a vegan diet?

Increasing numbers of people are making the shift to vegetarian or vegan diets for health, cost or animal kindness reasons or to decrease the burden on our planet.

But is it safe, healthy and practical to take your domestic cat down the vegan path?

The short answer is maybe, but go carefully.

Cats are carnivores. Their bodies have evolved to thrive on a diet primarily composed of animal-based proteins and the other nutrients associated with meat. While humans can adapt to various diets, cats have specific nutritional requirements that make a vegetarian or vegan diet potentially risky.


Unlike dogs, cats cannot efficiently synthesise essential nutrients like taurine and vitamin A from plant sources alone. Taurine deficiency, for instance, can lead to severe health issues, including heart problems and vision impairments. To address this, commercial vegetarian and vegan cat foods are often supplemented with synthetic nutrients.


Cats require high-quality protein, and the amino acids in animal proteins are essential for their overall well-being. Protein deficiency can lead to muscle wasting and other health complications. Additionally, cats need certain fats found in animal tissues for energy and the maintenance of a healthy coat.


Transitioning a cat to a vegetarian or vegan diet can be difficult. Their preferences are strongly inclined towards meat. Some cats may outright reject plant-based foods, leading to potential malnutrition. Owners may also face difficulties in sourcing and preparing balanced vegetarian or vegan meals for their pets. There might also be laws in your area that have something to say about feeding a suitable and adequate diet to animals in your care.

What does the science say?

A recent review showed there was not much high quality research and the conclusions were sometimes contradictory. They concluded

…there is little evidence of adverse effects arising in dogs and cats on vegan diets…some of the evidence on adverse health impacts is contradicted in other studies…there is some evidence of benefits, particularly arising from guardians’ perceptions of the diets…a cautious approach is recommended. If guardians wish to implement a vegan diet, it is recommended that commercial foods are used.1

Four takeouts
  1. Talk to your vet before making major dietary changes

  2. Use commercially prepared vegan foods formulated to meet cats’s dietary needs

  3. Monitor your own cat for signs of food rejection or dietary deficiencies

  4. Accept that, for some cats, it may be possible to incorporate only limited plant-based ingredients without risking the cat’s health.

1The Impact of Vegan Diets on Indicators of Health in Dogs and Cats: A Systematic Review Adriana Domínguez-Oliva, Daniel Mota-Rojas, Ines Semendric and Alexandra L. Whittaker

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Feline health grants for 2023 are now open

This is our Secretary’s cat Lily to let you know that applications for this year’s Feline Health Research Fund grants are now open.

The Feline Health Research Fund each year calls for relevant research proposals from scientists, veterinarians and post-graduate students from Australian universities and research institutes.

Thanks to the work of these scientists, vets and post-graduate students our domestic cats, like Lily, will live longer and healthier lives.

Find out more about the grants by visiting the FHRF Grants Page.

This round closes on Friday 1 September 2023.

Grants are solely funded by donations and bequests from individual cat lovers and organisations devoted to cat welfare. Find out how you can support this work by visiting the Support Feline Health Page.

Please feel free to forward this information to colleagues and associates with an interest in feline health research.

Happy International Cat Day!


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2023 Grant Round


If you are looking for a partner to fund your research into cat health, we may be what you need.

The Feline Health Research Fund makes grants of up to $10,000 from it’s pool of  donations from cat lovers, professionals and the industry to fund quality Australian research into issues affecting the health, wellbeing and longevity of domestic cats.

We are encouraging applications from a range of disciplines into a wide range of health issues for domestic cats.

For more information please go to the Applying for a Grant page on our website.  There you can download the Small Grants Application Form, read the Grant FAQs and check out details of previously funded projects.

The window for this grant round opens on the Monday 7 August and closes at 5pm on Friday 1 September 2023.

If you have questions after reading the website information, please email the Secretary, Feline Health Research Fund.

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Your quick guide to cat vaccination

picuture of cat with syringe

Common vaccinations provide protection from major cat diseases such as enteritis (feline panleukopaenia) and cat flu (feline calicivirus and feline herpesvirus). Vaccinations are usually given by an injection under the skin, and they are designed to provide protection against specific infectious diseases. This vaccination combination is commonly known as the F3 vaccination. Cats with an unknown vaccination history and all kittens should be vaccinated.

Kitten vaccination starts when they are 6 to 8 weeks of age. Kittens require a series of vaccinations, every 2 to 4 weeks until they are around 16 weeks of age. If an adult feline has an unknown vaccination history or is having vaccinations for the first time, they will usually require two injections around 3 to 4 weeks apart.

Currently, first-year kitten vaccines will cost you $170 to $200 and average annual cat vaccines are between $60 to $80 for the F3 vaccine.

While vaccinations are generally safe, some cats may experience mild side effects such as temporary soreness at the injection site or slight lethargy. Serious adverse reactions are rare but can occur. Monitor your cat after vaccination and inform your vet if you notice any concerning symptoms.

There are two types of vaccines, sometimes referred to as core and non-core. Core vaccines are those that all unvaccinated cats and cats with an unknown vaccination history should receive to protect them against key diseases. This is the the F3 vaccination.

Non-core vaccines are those that should only be given to cats in specific risk categories based on an individual assessment, lifestyle, and risk of exposure to the infection of the individual cat. Examples of non-core vaccines include those for feline leukaemia virus (FeLV), feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV), and Chlamydia felis.

It’s worthwhile to consult with your vet who can provide guidance tailored to your cat’s specific needs. They will consider factors such as your cat’s age, lifestyle, and overall health to determine the most appropriate vaccination protocol.

Deciding on whether it is worth vaccination beyond the F3 can depend on factors like location and lifestyle. For example FeLV and FIV are more common in Western Australia. Diseases can enter the cat’s system via bodily fluids or injection into the bloodstream via bites so if your cat roams freely they are more prone to contracting FeLV and FIV.

Cats entering your household with an unknown vaccination history should be considered a risk and they, and your other cats, should be vaccinated accordingly.

There are other benefits too. Some local councils and boarding facilities may require proof of vaccination before admitting cats so keeping your cat’s vaccinations up to date will make sure you have the necessary documentation when needed.

Vaccination not only protects your cat but also contributes to all of our efforts to prevent the spread of contagious diseases. It helps maintain herd immunity and protects vulnerable cats that may be unable to receive vaccines due to health reasons.

Here are some resources with more detailed information that you might find useful.

What vaccinations should my cat receive? – RSPCA Knowledge base

Cost of Cat Vaccinations in Australia – Forbes Advisor Australia


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Can my cat get asthma?

You bet! Cats have thousands of tiny airways in their lungs that extract oxygen from the air.  Like us, those airways can become obstructed causing shortness of breath, distress and even death.


The most obvious and immediate of symptom of asthma is difficulty in breathing. You may notice a wheezing or a high-pitched whistling sound that is caused by a narrowing of the airways. You may notice short, shallow breathing or a hacking cough, especially after exercise.  In the longer term, you may also notice a general decline in energy and a loss of appetite.  In severe cases you may observe a bluish tint to their gums and tongue due to a lack of oxygen. In this situation it is essential to get your cat to the vet immediately.


One of the most common causes of asthma in is exposure to environmental allergens such as dust, pollen, and mould. These can trigger an allergic reaction, causing inflammation and closing of the airways.

Genetics may also have a role. Some breeds of cats, such as Siamese and Himalayans, may be more predisposed to developing asthma and cats that have a family history of asthma may be more at risk too.

If you cat has become stressed by moving to a new home, by the addition of a new pet or family member, or changes in their routine, this can trigger asthma symptoms.

If your cat is overweight, this can put added stress on the respiratory system, making it more difficult for them to breathe and potentially contributing to the development of asthma.

Diagnosis and treatment

Diagnosis of asthma in cats will, typically, involve a physical exam by a vet, blood tests, and x-rays or ultrasound. Treatments may include medications that open the airways (bronchodilators) and corticosteroids that reduce the inflammation.

Other solutions

The best long-term solution may be identifying and removing the causes in the cat’s environment. The list of likely candidates will be familiar to human asthma sufferers.  They include cigarette and wood smoke, cleaning products, scented aerosols, perfume, pollen, mould, grass and dust mites.

A trip to your vet to check out your cat’s breathing problems might also eliminate other potential causes of lung issues such as food allergies, parasitic infections, heartworm and bacterial infections.

As always, watching out for any obvious changes in your cat’s usual behaviour is your best alert that something might be amiss. Take a careful note of what you are seeing and report it to your vet.

If you’d like to find out more about feline asthma, have a look at this page from Cat

If you found this post useful, you might like to encourage your friends to sign up for this free cat health bulletin by the link on our front page.  No spam, no advertising – ever.

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FIP is no longer a death sentence

Feline coronavirus is common in cats and shares that scary name with COVID-19.  Fortunately it doesn’t affect humans and causes negligible, if any, symptoms in cats aside from mild diarrhoea.

But when the feline coronavirus changes to a specific strain of the coronavirus, Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) can develop. In about 10 percent of cats infected, the virus will multiply and mutate, resulting in an FIP virus infection that spreads throughout the cat’s body. It can cause an extreme inflammatory reaction in the tissues surrounding the abdomen, chest, kidney, eyes or brain.

Until recently, a diagnosis of FIP was a death sentence for a feline patient. But that notion has been turned on its head over the last few years as new methods of diagnosis and treatment have been developed.

Now veterinarians are in a position to successfully treat 80 percent or more of cats with FIP. But the treatment can be expensive.

Over the last year, successful treatments have made use of injections of the COVID-19 treatment drug remdesivir (GS 5734) and an antiviral drug GS 441524.

The manufacturer that developed GS-441524, has not developed the drug for use in cats so various laboratories in China and eastern Europe started manufacturing GS-441524 and selling it on the black-market.

The Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority, Vet Boards and Border Force have made it difficult to import GS-441524. Vets who made use of the black-market drugs to treat FIP were warned off.

Fortunately it is legal for the drug to be compounded for cats by a compounding pharmacy. The company BOVA Australia is compounding GS441524 in tuna-flavoured tablets.

A less expensive option, mefloquine (commercial name Lariam) is a human antimalarial drug that has antiviral affects and has been used to treat FIP. In several cats where owners were unable to afford a full course of remdesivir, mefloquine has achieved a clinical cure.

The search for cheaper and easier remedies for FIP goes on. Sydney University PhD student, Sally Coggins, is studying these drugs for the treatment of FIP, making use of data from Australian vets who are treating FIP cases in their practices.

For more detailed information read this article on a current treatment protocol. 

Although treatments can be expensive, the situation continues to evolve.  As we usually recommend, early detection and following the advice of your vet is the best course.

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Is your next cat a stay-at-home cat?

Many cat owners choose to contain their cat within their house or yard.

They understand that contained cats live, on average, about one third longer with road accidents, falls from high places, entrapment and accidental poisoning causing many injuries or deaths.  Cats can range widely and territorial disputes among felines are common, leading to injuries including abscesses that require treatment by a vet.

Legal restrictions on cats’ roaming

But in a growing number of locations in Australia, cat owners may no longer have the option to let their cats roam freely.

Since the publication of the Commonwealth Government’s Report of the inquiry into the problem of feral and domestic cats in Australia, local governments are increasingly restricting the freedom of domestic cats to roam. In Canberra now it can cost you $1,600 to retrieve a cat caught off your property at any time and similar regimes are in place in local government areas from Hobart to Adelaide and, soon to be, in Western Australia.

In addition to 24 hour curfews, many other councils are instituting penalties for cats caught off-property during nighttime hours.

Driving this is the large number of native animals that are killed by free-ranging cats. Predation by cats is responsible for the loss of 1.6 billion native animals every year. Feral cats are reportedly responsible for some 1.4 billion of this number. The Commonwealth report estimated that about one million animals were killed by Australia’s 3.8 million pet cats each day.

But local councils are also responding to problems raised by ratepayers like damage to property, noise and the fouling of private gardens and children’s play-spaces.

The health upside

But these compulsory curfews may have health benefits for contained cats and their owners.

Roaming cats spread diseases. Some of these, like fleas or ringworm, are unpleasant but only inconvenient. In other cases cats may being home diseases that are harmful to other cats in the household or even, like cat-scratch disease and toxoplasmosis, dangerous to humans.

A different way of being

In the face of this trend many of us will have to adapt to a different way of being with our cats.

Cats born and raised in a closed environment seem to accept it happily enough. Cat owners have used great ingenuity in adapting their particular back yards and other places to give cats a space in which to get stimulation and exercise. But contained kitties also may require extra time and effort on the part of the owner to engage and provide entertainment and diversion.

The perception of cats as a ’feed and forget’ pet is less true now than ever.

As the legal and social pressures to contain pet cats continue to grow, we will explore the implications and issues for you and your cat in future posts.

May you both enjoy a healthy and happy 2023!

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A happy Christmas for your cat

When we think about Christmas treats for our cat, we normally think food. But what about amping up two of her other great interests in life, her environment and you?

Cat exercise frames

These come in a huge variety of styles, prices and sizes, easy to find on your internet search engine. Make sure you select a size that matches the size of your kitty. Alternatively, they are available in kit form or as plans as a DIY project for teens and/or a handy partner or friend.

climbing frame

It’s all in the presentation

Just as babies often find more delight in the wrapping than in that lovingly chosen present, so cats can get hours of joy out of the swathes of paper and other packaging that Christmas brings. Putting off the post-Christmas throw away for a few days gives you a good excuse and gives your cat a bundle of fun. Wrapping paper and a lengths of discarded ribbon makes a great chase toy that can burn off energy in cats and hyper children alike.

Hide and seek

Use that stuff is lying around to give your cat exercise and stimulation and strengthen your bond by using it for games like hidely or chasey. Scrunch up some used wrapping paper to make a ball for her to chase. If you have more time to invest, some owners have been able to encourage their cats to fetch, encouraging them to return using treats and affection. Cut small holes in larger boxes and encourage your cat to ‘fish’ for objects dangled outside.

Best not to leave bags, especially plastic bags, around when you are not there.

Enriching their environment

A few quiet days at home during the Christmas break gives you the chance to think of other ways to make your cat’s life richer and more comfortable. Modern houses and units emphasise design and space-efficiency. That can make it difficult for cats to find the secure retreats that are so necessary to their psychological comfort. A suitable cardboard box lined with something soft and placed in an out-of-the-way corner can meet such a need. Some cats like to be up high so a thoughtful rearrangement of some existing shelves and some comfy cloth padding might just do the trick.

Keep them ‘Appy

That new tablet or smartphone, or even the old one, can provide some great playtime for you and your cat. Check out the range of free or inexpensive apps where kitty can catch objects, paint or create music. Perfect for a bit of lap time after the guests have left and the house is quiet again.

Absence makes the heart grow fonder

OK, so you couldn’t resist buying that new toy for kitty but how about putting the old ones away for a while? Rotating toys will stop your cat from getting bored. You will notice renewed interest in that old favourite when your cat has not seen it for a few weeks.

Build on your relationship

For cats that seem wary or dislike being touched, some quiet time at home can be an opportunity build your relationship. When the opportunity occurs, get down to her level and speak quietly from a distance that she feels comfortable. Speak slowly and in slightly raised tone. Don’t stare. Try blinking slowly, especially if she blinks at you. This is a universal feline demonstration of comfort and affection. What you say is not important but use her name frequently. Don’t overdo it, a few minutes, occasionally, at a time when you are both feeling relaxed is perfect.

A new, closer relationship could be the best present that you can give!

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Keep your cat cool this summer

picture of cat drinking from tap

In the wake of a mild winter, predictions are for a scorcher of a summer in Southern Australia, and our cats will need to manage the sometimes fierce bursts of high temperatures that are typical of Australian summers.  Here are some things to think about.


Add a few extra water bowls around the house to make sure that kitty always has one close by.  Refresh them frequently with cool water. Take extra care to keep older cats well hydrated as their kidneys may have become less effective. Try adding a few ice cubes to a water bowl for a treat.  


Keep on top of grooming as cats shed their winter coats. Some breeds will benefit from clipping so check with your vet.  Also, check with your cat.  Some individuals will dislike being clipped to the point of becoming badly distressed. Attempting a small clip of somewhere like their tummy will let you know.

Provide somewhere cool and shady

Cats with an outdoor run will need somewhere cool and out of the sun to spend the hottest hours of the day.  Allow for the movement of the sun as different areas become more or less shady.  If it’s a very hot day it might be better for them to stay in the house. If you do, make sure there is adequate ventilation. Some thoughtful owners leave on the aircon!  A box fan set to low is a more economical solution that a cat might enjoy.

Watch out for sunburn

Cats can get sunburn like us. Breeds with pale ears and pink noses are especially prone. Repeated exposure can lead to the development of cancers. If your cat likes to lay in the sun, there are cat-specific sunblocks to apply. Don’t be tempted to use human sun blocks – they are unsuitable and may even be toxic to your cat.

Prevent parasites

Parasites and the insects that carry them (such as mosquitoes) become more active and numerous especially in the Southern states during summer.  Keep up the preventives for fleas, ticks and heartworm.

Keep vaccinations up to date

Many of us like to take holidays during the summer months.  When boarding your cat, remember that individual catteries may have different vaccination requirements so plan in advance.

Watch out for heat stress

When it is especially hot, watch out for signs of distress in your cat.  Cats affected by heat stress appear distressed and restless.  They may vomit. They may drool excess amounts of saliva from their nose and or mouth or become unsteady on their feet and collapse. If this happens, remove the cat from the hot environment immediately.  Apply or spray a little cool (not cold) water and fan them gently to assist cooling.  Take your cat to your vet who will have a range of treatments to address the immediate and longer-term effects of heatstroke.

So… enjoy your summer and, with these few considerations, your cat will enjoy it with you.

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Toxoplasmosis – be alert but not alarmed

T. gondii, the parasite that causes toxoplasmosis, is spread widely through the human and animal population but domestic cats have a unique role in it’s life-cycle. While other animals can carry T. gondii, it is only in the gut of domestic cats that it can reproduce. The parasite is excreted into the environment in the faeces of the cat.

Fortunately, the immune systems of most humans and animals are robust enough to suppress the infection so that it causes no harm.

It is in people and animals with weakened immune systems and pregnant women that it become a danger.

Toxoplasmosis in cats

Most cats infected with T. gondii show no signs of disease. However, when the cat’s immune system is suppressed, including young kittens and cats with feline leukemia virus or feline immunodeficiency virus, full-blown toxoplasmosis may occur.

Kittens born to queens infected with T. gondii in the womb can become infected via the placenta or via suckling. Illness is common and the severity varies with the stage of gestation at the time of infection.

The most common symptoms of toxoplasmosis in cats include fever, loss of appetite, and lethargy. Treatment is by a course of antibiotics and the outcome depends on how soon treatment was started and which organs in the cats are affected.

Toxoplasmosis in people

Most people carrying T. gondii will experience no symptoms but there are two serious exceptions. People undergoing treatment for cancer or HIV or other treatments that suppress their immune systems are at risk of serious infection. This is most usually detected by a blood test.

Toxoplasmosis in pregnant women is particularly dangerous. Getting toxoplasmosis shortly before or during pregnancy can pass the parasite through the placenta to the baby. This increases the risk of miscarriage, stillbirth or serious health problems including vision problems, blindness, developmental delays and learning difficulties.


Cat owners, or people whose garden is frequented by cats, can safeguard themselves and their families by:

  • wearing gloves and washing hands after gardening
  • emptying and washing litter trays frequently
  • washing hands after handling litter trays and utensils
  • not allowing cats on food preparation surfaces
  • covering children’s sandboxes

People without cats can ingest T, gondii by eating raw meat, eating unwashed fruit or vegetables or by drinking unpasteurised milk.

It is estimated that one in three people in the world have been, or are carrying, T. gondii but with a few precautions, you and your family will likely be unaffected.

You can find more about Toxoplasmosis in this comprehensive article.

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