Cat health

Is your next cat a stay-at-home cat?

Many cat owners choose to contain their cat within their house or yard.

They understand that contained cats live, on average, about one third longer with road accidents, falls from high places, entrapment and accidental poisoning causing many injuries or deaths.  Cats can range widely and territorial disputes among felines are common, leading to injuries including abscesses that require treatment by a vet.

Legal restrictions on cats’ roaming

But in a growing number of locations in Australia, cat owners may no longer have the option to let their cats roam freely.

Since the publication of the Commonwealth Government’s Report of the inquiry into the problem of feral and domestic cats in Australia, local governments are increasingly restricting the freedom of domestic cats to roam. In Canberra now it can cost you $1,600 to retrieve a cat caught off your property at any time and similar regimes are in place in local government areas from Hobart to Adelaide and, soon to be, in Western Australia.

In addition to 24 hour curfews, many other councils are instituting penalties for cats caught off-property during nighttime hours.

Driving this is the large number of native animals that are killed by free-ranging cats. Predation by cats is responsible for the loss of 1.6 billion native animals every year. Feral cats are reportedly responsible for some 1.4 billion of this number. The Commonwealth report estimated that about one million animals were killed by Australia’s 3.8 million pet cats each day.

But local councils are also responding to problems raised by ratepayers like damage to property, noise and the fouling of private gardens and children’s play-spaces.

The health upside

But these compulsory curfews may have health benefits for contained cats and their owners.

Roaming cats spread diseases. Some of these, like fleas or ringworm, are unpleasant but only inconvenient. In other cases cats may being home diseases that are harmful to other cats in the household or even, like cat-scratch disease and toxoplasmosis, dangerous to humans.

A different way of being

In the face of this trend many of us will have to adapt to a different way of being with our cats.

Cats born and raised in a closed environment seem to accept it happily enough. Cat owners have used great ingenuity in adapting their particular back yards and other places to give cats a space in which to get stimulation and exercise. But contained kitties also may require extra time and effort on the part of the owner to engage and provide entertainment and diversion.

The perception of cats as a ’feed and forget’ pet is less true now than ever.

As the legal and social pressures to contain pet cats continue to grow, we will explore the implications and issues for you and your cat in future posts.

May you both enjoy a healthy and happy 2023!

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A happy Christmas for your cat

When we think about Christmas treats for our cat, we normally think food. But what about amping up two of her other great interests in life, her environment and you?

Cat exercise frames

These come in a huge variety of styles, prices and sizes, easy to find on your internet search engine. Make sure you select a size that matches the size of your kitty. Alternatively, they are available in kit form or as plans as a DIY project for teens and/or a handy partner or friend.

climbing frame

It’s all in the presentation

Just as babies often find more delight in the wrapping than in that lovingly chosen present, so cats can get hours of joy out of the swathes of paper and other packaging that Christmas brings. Putting off the post-Christmas throw away for a few days gives you a good excuse and gives your cat a bundle of fun. Wrapping paper and a lengths of discarded ribbon makes a great chase toy that can burn off energy in cats and hyper children alike.

Hide and seek

Use that stuff is lying around to give your cat exercise and stimulation and strengthen your bond by using it for games like hidely or chasey. Scrunch up some used wrapping paper to make a ball for her to chase. If you have more time to invest, some owners have been able to encourage their cats to fetch, encouraging them to return using treats and affection. Cut small holes in larger boxes and encourage your cat to ‘fish’ for objects dangled outside.

Best not to leave bags, especially plastic bags, around when you are not there.

Enriching their environment

A few quiet days at home during the Christmas break gives you the chance to think of other ways to make your cat’s life richer and more comfortable. Modern houses and units emphasise design and space-efficiency. That can make it difficult for cats to find the secure retreats that are so necessary to their psychological comfort. A suitable cardboard box lined with something soft and placed in an out-of-the-way corner can meet such a need. Some cats like to be up high so a thoughtful rearrangement of some existing shelves and some comfy cloth padding might just do the trick.

Keep them ‘Appy

That new tablet or smartphone, or even the old one, can provide some great playtime for you and your cat. Check out the range of free or inexpensive apps where kitty can catch objects, paint or create music. Perfect for a bit of lap time after the guests have left and the house is quiet again.

Absence makes the heart grow fonder

OK, so you couldn’t resist buying that new toy for kitty but how about putting the old ones away for a while? Rotating toys will stop your cat from getting bored. You will notice renewed interest in that old favourite when your cat has not seen it for a few weeks.

Build on your relationship

For cats that seem wary or dislike being touched, some quiet time at home can be an opportunity build your relationship. When the opportunity occurs, get down to her level and speak quietly from a distance that she feels comfortable. Speak slowly and in slightly raised tone. Don’t stare. Try blinking slowly, especially if she blinks at you. This is a universal feline demonstration of comfort and affection. What you say is not important but use her name frequently. Don’t overdo it, a few minutes, occasionally, at a time when you are both feeling relaxed is perfect.

A new, closer relationship could be the best present that you can give!

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Keep your cat cool this summer

picture of cat drinking from tap

In the wake of a mild winter, predictions are for a scorcher of a summer in Southern Australia, and our cats will need to manage the sometimes fierce bursts of high temperatures that are typical of Australian summers.  Here are some things to think about.


Add a few extra water bowls around the house to make sure that kitty always has one close by.  Refresh them frequently with cool water. Take extra care to keep older cats well hydrated as their kidneys may have become less effective. Try adding a few ice cubes to a water bowl for a treat.  


Keep on top of grooming as cats shed their winter coats. Some breeds will benefit from clipping so check with your vet.  Also, check with your cat.  Some individuals will dislike being clipped to the point of becoming badly distressed. Attempting a small clip of somewhere like their tummy will let you know.

Provide somewhere cool and shady

Cats with an outdoor run will need somewhere cool and out of the sun to spend the hottest hours of the day.  Allow for the movement of the sun as different areas become more or less shady.  If it’s a very hot day it might be better for them to stay in the house. If you do, make sure there is adequate ventilation. Some thoughtful owners leave on the aircon!  A box fan set to low is a more economical solution that a cat might enjoy.

Watch out for sunburn

Cats can get sunburn like us. Breeds with pale ears and pink noses are especially prone. Repeated exposure can lead to the development of cancers. If your cat likes to lay in the sun, there are cat-specific sunblocks to apply. Don’t be tempted to use human sun blocks – they are unsuitable and may even be toxic to your cat.

Prevent parasites

Parasites and the insects that carry them (such as mosquitoes) become more active and numerous especially in the Southern states during summer.  Keep up the preventives for fleas, ticks and heartworm.

Keep vaccinations up to date

Many of us like to take holidays during the summer months.  When boarding your cat, remember that individual catteries may have different vaccination requirements so plan in advance.

Watch out for heat stress

When it is especially hot, watch out for signs of distress in your cat.  Cats affected by heat stress appear distressed and restless.  They may vomit. They may drool excess amounts of saliva from their nose and or mouth or become unsteady on their feet and collapse. If this happens, remove the cat from the hot environment immediately.  Apply or spray a little cool (not cold) water and fan them gently to assist cooling.  Take your cat to your vet who will have a range of treatments to address the immediate and longer-term effects of heatstroke.

So… enjoy your summer and, with these few considerations, your cat will enjoy it with you.

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Toxoplasmosis – be alert but not alarmed

T. gondii, the parasite that causes toxoplasmosis, is spread widely through the human and animal population but domestic cats have a unique role in it’s life-cycle. While other animals can carry T. gondii, it is only in the gut of domestic cats that it can reproduce. The parasite is excreted into the environment in the faeces of the cat.

Fortunately, the immune systems of most humans and animals are robust enough to suppress the infection so that it causes no harm.

It is in people and animals with weakened immune systems and pregnant women that it become a danger.

Toxoplasmosis in cats

Most cats infected with T. gondii show no signs of disease. However, when the cat’s immune system is suppressed, including young kittens and cats with feline leukemia virus or feline immunodeficiency virus, full-blown toxoplasmosis may occur.

Kittens born to queens infected with T. gondii in the womb can become infected via the placenta or via suckling. Illness is common and the severity varies with the stage of gestation at the time of infection.

The most common symptoms of toxoplasmosis in cats include fever, loss of appetite, and lethargy. Treatment is by a course of antibiotics and the outcome depends on how soon treatment was started and which organs in the cats are affected.

Toxoplasmosis in people

Most people carrying T. gondii will experience no symptoms but there are two serious exceptions. People undergoing treatment for cancer or HIV or other treatments that suppress their immune systems are at risk of serious infection. This is most usually detected by a blood test.

Toxoplasmosis in pregnant women is particularly dangerous. Getting toxoplasmosis shortly before or during pregnancy can pass the parasite through the placenta to the baby. This increases the risk of miscarriage, stillbirth or serious health problems including vision problems, blindness, developmental delays and learning difficulties.


Cat owners, or people whose garden is frequented by cats, can safeguard themselves and their families by:

  • wearing gloves and washing hands after gardening
  • emptying and washing litter trays frequently
  • washing hands after handling litter trays and utensils
  • not allowing cats on food preparation surfaces
  • covering children’s sandboxes

People without cats can ingest T, gondii by eating raw meat, eating unwashed fruit or vegetables or by drinking unpasteurised milk.

It is estimated that one in three people in the world have been, or are carrying, T. gondii but with a few precautions, you and your family will likely be unaffected.

You can find more about Toxoplasmosis in this comprehensive article.

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Treat your cat – plant catnip

Spring is here and the warming weather is the ideal time to give your cat a treat by planting catnip.

Catnip (Nepeta cataria) is cheap, readily available and easy to grow from seeds or seedlings. It is sometimes found under different names including cats wort, cat wort, or cat mint. You can grow it indoors or in the garden and it can be dried and stored over winter and still retain it’s attractive properties.

Kittens show no reaction to catnip and about one third of cats never develop an interest. But even if that is the case with your cat you will still have a pleasant, robust plant that is effective in repelling insects including cockroaches and mosquitoes.

However, cats that like it, generally love it. They will rub themselves happily in the plant, or chew on the leaves. After ten or fifteen minutes they will then wander off, relaxed and satisfied.


As well as being a pleasant addition to their environment, you can make creative use of catnip in managing your cat.

By controlling access you can extract some extra benefits such as:

  • providing enrichment for an indoor cat by periodically hiding it around the house or in a toy
  • introducing them to a new toy (like that expensive cat wheel you just bought) by placing catnip on or around it
  • de-stressing them in advance of some potentially stressful event like being in a vehicle, going to the vet or being bathed
  • re-igniting their interest in the old cat scratch pole and away from your new leather sofa
  • gently introducing them to a new person or location.

If this sounds good but you lack the space or the green thumb, then you can buy preparations like sprays or the dried herb that have the same effect from pet stores and online.


There are few downsides to catnip. It has been used in traditional herbal remedies for humans for centuries and its effects are well studied. The active ingredient, nepetalactone, is not addictive and causes no harm or long-term behaviour changes. There are rare reports of cats getting tummy upsets from over-eating the plant and of males becoming aggressive, possibly because the active ingredient mimics the pheromones involved in mating. In either case, just discontinue the use and chat to your vet.

Finally, be thoughtful where you put your plant. An over-enthusiastic cat may cause cat or plant a harmful fall if placed in a high location such as a window sill or balcony.

Get planting!

If you want to get more deeply into the catnip story go to the all about catnip page on the Cat World website.

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Osteoarthritis – is your cat suffering in silence?

Osteoarthritis is among the diseases of ageing that we share with our cats.

It occurs when the cartilage padding in our joints wears away causing the bones to rub against each other. For us, the resulting pain is enough to cause us to get attention but it is in the nature of cats to try to avoid displays of discomfort.

The disease should be looked for in any cat of seven years or older. It is estimated that over three-quarters of cats over 10 years will experience it.

It appears most commonly in the elbows and hips, and less commonly in shoulders and ankles and in the backbone and sternum.


Diagnosing osteoarthritis can be difficult in a single visit even for experienced vets aided by x-rays.

The clues to whether your older cats is affected by osteoarthritis are often in their general condition and behaviour:

  • They may lose their appetite and lose weight.
  • You may notice mood changes – formerly happy cats may become depressed and withdrawn and show poor grooming habits.
  • You may notice stiffness in their legs, especially after sleeping or resting.
  • They may start to appear lame or, more likely, you will notice that they will be be reluctant to jump or will make much shorter jumps.
  • They start missing the litter tray.
  • Their claws may become longer due to lack of use.

Taking careful note of these symptoms will help you help your vet reach a diagnosis.


Osteoarthritis in cats cannot be cured and the treatment options are limited.  Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (such as Metacam) can be used to manage the pain. Weight loss for overweight cats may reduce the stress on joints. Some dietary supplements and other treatments have been claimed to provide relief in some cases and your vet will advise you.

Beyond that, most responses involve making the cat’s environment more convenient and comfortable. You can help them live with osteoarthritis by:

  • making sure they don’t have to go up or down stairs to access food, water, sleeping quarters or litter trays
  • providing litter trays with one lower side to make entry and leaving easier
  • raising food and water bowls
  • providing softer bedding
  • providing ramps to their resting places such as a favourite couch or bed.

Sadly, this disease is a progressive, lifelong process. However, working with your vet you can improve your cat’s quality of life greatly in her golden years.

Also see our article on recognising pain in cats.

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Tooth resorption in cats

Tooth resorption is a very common and painful condition that affects an estimated 20-60 percent of cats – but can easily go unnoticed.

The cause is unknown, but seems to be that cells called osteoclasts that naturally eat up and remove baby teeth, persist long after they are needed in some cats.

There may be various levels of resorption in affected teeth, and the destruction can occur at varying speeds until it progresses to a point at which it must be addressed. The dentin in a single tooth (or several simultaneously) erodes and eventually becomes irreparably destroyed. Over time, all areas of an affected tooth, from root to crown, may become involved.

Within each of a cat’s teeth is a chamber (root canal) that contains tissue made up of blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, and nerves. This tissue, which communicates with the rest of the animal’s body, is surrounded by a bony substance called dentin, which accounts for the bulk of the tooth’s structure.

In this condition, the dentin in a tooth, or several teeth, erodes and eventually becomes irreparably destroyed. Over time, all areas of an affected tooth, from root to crown, may become involved.

Detecting resorption

Dental pain in all animals is almost always hidden from view, so that they don’t appear vulnerable or weak. Sudden loss of appetite might occur if the crown were to break off from a single tooth. In that case, the cat could be off its food for a significant amount of time, 24 to 72 hours, say, but in general, the condition has to get to an extreme level before the cat stops eating.

One of the first signs would be that the cat starts swallowing its food without chewing it or that it suddenly develops a preference for soft food.

A cat may clearly indicate that it is experiencing excruciating pain when it bites down on an affected tooth or if the tooth is touched by a veterinarian’s probing fingers or examining tool. However, chronic toothaches are not among the condition’s most usual clinical signs.

A more reliable indicator is a cat’s behaviour while eating. The owner may notice that it’s appetite appears to be normal but that it tilts its head and tries to chew on just one side of its mouth. If it is eating kibble, it may try to swallow it without chewing, or the food may fall out of its mouth.

Diagnosis and treatment

The best way of confirming the suspected presence of the condition is with a trip to the vet who can usually diagnose the condition with a visual examination or sometimes an x-ray. A good precaution is to have your cat’s teeth examined annually.

Unfortunately complete extraction of all affected teeth is the only treatment. Drastic as this sounds, it should not cause major concern for the patient. Cats can cope very well with no teeth at all!

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Is there a wheel in your cat’s future?

Could be!

As more cat owners are choosing, or being compelled to by local government by-laws, to keep their cats contained, an exercise wheel could be in your cat’s life.

Models that allow the cat to enter and exit from either side seem to suit most cats best.  Energetic breeds such as Bengals, Russian Blues, Abyssinians and Siamese seem to take to them well.

With some cats you may need to be patient and encourage their interest with treats or other toys.  Once accepted, exercise wheels are a safe and effective way to keep them fit, active and entertained – and often yourself amused.

On the negative side, exercise wheels can be expensive, from several hundred dollars up to $500 or more in Australia.  Our team at Feline Health Research have found that, while many cats learn to love them, in some instances, cats may choose to ignore them altogether.  Forever!

If you have DIY skills and basic tools, there are many videos demonstrating how you are able to make an execise wheel from common materials for a fraction of the cost of a ready-made model.

A no-cost option if you already have a treadmill, is to encourage your cat to use that, like these pretty Burmese.

Whether you prefer the calm, meditative action of our two Silver Bengals or something a bit more frantic and hilarious, searching ‘cat exercise wheel‘ on Youtube will provide some great enterainment and a better idea whether it is a solution for you and your cat.

And you can put all of that wasted time down to research!

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Grief in cats

Do cats feel human-like emotions? Can they grieve?

Recently scientists have begun to recognise that cats lead rich emotional lives and can show emotional responses such as grief. Changes in their environment like losing an owner or a companion cat or other animal, moving house, surrender to a shelter or change of owner can all cause grief-like behaviour.

The research suggests that the level of distress is dependent on the degree and length of the bond with the lost loved one.

Grief may take up to six months to resolve.

How can I tell if my cat is grieving?

Watch for changes in their patterns of social behaviour, eating, sleeping and interaction with surroundings. How is this behaviour different to the pattern before the loss? Being familiar with your cat’s daily routine and behaviour helps. Focusing on the outward expressions of grief compared to their normal behaviour helps prevent you projecting your own emotions or expectations on to your cat.

Eight signs that your cat may be grieving

  1. loss of appetite
  2. changes in energy level – becoming very lethargic or extremely hyperactive
  3. changes to normal sleeping pattern
  4. searching or sitting where the lost one used to sleep
  5. excessive howling or unusual silence
  6. wanting to be alone or staring out of the window for prolonged periods
  7. neediness – following you and seeking attention more than normal
  8. health issues such as the emergence of latent cat flu or gastrointestinal upsets.

How can I help?

In most cases, passing time and a supportive owner allows healing to occur. Steps you can take to assist this process include:

  1. responding appropriately – for example, if the cat is howling don’t scold, just reassure gently and calmly
  2. providing extra love and attention (if your cat enjoys this) or respect their need for privacy
  3. keeping to routines such as daily feeding times, types of food offered and the position of litter trays
  4. encouraging appetite – try warming food or offering favourite foods
  5. offering an object from the lost loved one so your cat can access their scent
  6. allowing the grief process to take its course and not rushing into another pet immediately.


If your cat is losing weight, or exhibiting any other signs of illness, see your vet. They can rule out other causes of changed behaviour and there are support treatments and medications available to assist.

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Heartworm in cats

Dog owners are rightly concerned about heartworm infections. Heartworm is common throughout Australia and especially in hot and humid areas. Infection can cause serious illness and death in dogs.

But what about cats?

The same worm (Dirofilaria immitis) that infects dogs can also be transmitted to cats and other animals including foxes and ferrets. Transmission is by mosquito bite so your cat does not need to come into direct contact with an infected animal to catch it.

Fortunately, heartworm infection is much less serious in cats.

Cats’ immune systems seem to be better adapted to defeating heartworm. In most cases the infection will disappear without the cat showing symptoms.

In the rare occurrence that an infection takes hold, the symptoms can include vomiting of blood or food, diarrhoea, coughing and breathing difficulties. It is easy to confuse these symptoms with other serious conditions such as asthma so trip to the vet is called for if they appear.

Unlike dogs, there is no widely accepted treatment for heartworm in infected cats.

So what should you do?

Studies have shown that heartworm In cats is most common in areas that have high rates of infection in dogs. Also global warming is leading to the appearance of increasing numbers of mosquitoes that were previously uncommon in southern states. If you live in such an area it may be worth seeking out a preventative that includes heartworm protection along with that for fleas and intestinal worms.

You can read Feline Heartworm in Clinical Settings in a High Canine Prevalence Area .

A number of veterinary practices can also be found via your search engine that will provide facts and advice – and you can always raise the issue with your own vet on your next visit.

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