Each year the Feline Health Research Fund calls for relevant research proposals from scientists, veterinarians and post-graduate students from Australian universities and research institutes. Applications are assessed by expert peer reviewers and grants awarded based on their recommendations.
The next round opens on Monday 1 July 2024. It closes on Friday 2 August 2024.
Please read the information below and refer to the FAQs page or email the Secretary at felinehealthresearchfund@yahoo.com.au if you have any questions.
What we fund
The Fund supports relevant research from scientists, veterinarians and post-graduate students from Australian universities and research institutes.
Here is a list of a list of previously funded projects but applicants should not necessarily restrict themselves to the kinds of research in these examples.
Applicants could also consider research projects relating to improved or preventative health care for cats such as:
behavioural problems
breast cancer
eye problems
feline infectious peritonitis
immunisation protocols.
kidney, heart and liver failure
tooth and gum disease
skin conditions
Recent advances in genome science has demonstrated significant genetic similarity between species. Funds may be allocated to researchers who are enaged in investigating diseases of humans or other animal species that are relevant to cats.
How to apply
All applications for grants are to be made on the Small Grants Application Form download.
Proposed studies must demonstrate eligibility as defined by the ATO Ancillary Gift Fund criteria.
Research must provide evidence of Animal Ethics approval for the proposed study.
Commercial applications that might flow from the research should be detailed.
You will need to provide written progress reports in lay language are required at key stages of a study.
A final report, suitable for publication on the FHRF website, will be required.
The Feline Health Research Fund must be explicitly acknowledged in all publications emanating from funded research.
For further guidance, please consult the FAQs page.
For additional information please email the Secretary at felinehealthresearchfund@yahoo.com.au.
The application timeline
Applications open and close strictly within the timelines above.
They are initially assessed by the Trustees and, when necessary, shortlisted.
Applications under consideration or shortlisted will be sent for peer review prior to a decision.
The process, from application close to declaration of the successful applicant, can take up to six months.
Applicants will be advised of the outcome of their applications once the final decision is made.
For any queries and requests for additional information please email the Secretary at felinehealthresearchfund@yahoo.com.au.