Frequently asked questions 

Below you will find answers to questions most frequently asked by applicants for Feline Health Research Fund grants.  If you have questions not covered here, please email the Fund Secretary at

A total of $10,000 (excluding GST) is available each funding round. Applicants can apply for the full amount or for a lesser amount.

The Trustees review all applications. This process involves a two step process of:
 Rating each application, including whether it meets our guidelines and the quality of the application
 Ranking each application, where there is more than one, which includes taking into account what our donors would expect us to fund and if it addresses one of the priorities listed on our website.
Top ranked applications will be sent for to two independent, professional reviewers for review.
These reviews are the considered by the Trustees to make the final decision.

Be aware that the Trustees assessing your application include lay people and ensure that the background and aims are lay friendly. If in doubt, this download from Carelton University should be your guide.

Only the Trustees and the grant reviewers know who has applied and the content of the applications.
Information on successful applications will be published on our website and in other communications promoting the Fund, such as social media posts and reports to the Coordinating Cat Council of Australia.

It is very important to the Trusteew that our donors and other supporters know what we are funding and the results of grant activities. If your project is commercial in confidence, you would need to consider whether your confidentiality and IP concerns would prevent us doing our usual precise of the project and publishing it as we do.
Also, we require grantees to report on their results, including any publications, and we make those public as well. There might be ways he can believe you can comply with our reporting and transparency requirements and so you will feel comfortable requesting funding.

The letter of offer specifies the researchers to be involved and the project but the grant goes to the university.

The funding stays with the university and cannot be transferred.

Indirect costs are not eligible items. Examples of indirect costs include:

  • accomodation
  • information technology
  • administration, security, legal, accounting and insurance
  • utilities such as water, gas, electricity
  • libraries, laboratories, research facilities and other resources.